Prenuptial Agreement Lawyer in Newton

People across a broad spectrum of age and economic circumstances have important reasons to consider creating prenuptial agreements when they marry (or remarry). A couple may also determine at some point during their marriage that a postnuptial agreement is necessary, often due to heightened concern about possible divorce or various financial developments.


Drafting Marital Agreements Is A Clear Strength At Our Boston-Area Firm

Prenuptial and postnuptial agreements — marital agreements commonly called "prenups” and “postnups" — are both recognized under Massachusetts law, but experienced legal counsel is essential for ensuring they are drafted properly and enforceable if challenged. While specific factors vary widely, their primary purpose is to establish how property and assets will be divided if the marriage ends in divorce.


Personal Attention, Informed Counsel And Rigorous Attention To Detail 

At Simonds Family Law & Mediation, PLLC, Attorney Simonds has extensive experience drafting sound agreements aligned with our clients' specific goals. We focus on:

  • Providing clear counsel on what forms of asset protection and other goals can be lawfully addressed in a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement
  • Offering information and helpful tips for discussing this issue with the intended spouse
  • Helping each client translate his or her reasons for forming a prenup or postnup into an agreement that is understood by, and acceptable to, both spouses
  • Working diligently to ensure that all conditions and formalities required to make an agreement valid are fulfilled, including the requirement that the agreement be fair and reasonable
  • Representing men and women in divorce cases in which marital agreements are involved and may be challenged

Schedule A Helpful Consultation: Call (857) 858-1031 Or Reach Us Online


Establishing a prenuptial agreement or postnuptial agreement may be important to you for a variety of valid reasons, ranging from protection of a business you have built or other major assets to the need to designate certain assets for children from a previous marriage. For an initial consultation to discuss your objectives and legal options, please call or email our law firm today. We maintain full-service office location in Newton, conveniently located across from the Newton Highlands T Station.

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